I'm not sure if any of you tuned in to the VMA's this past week, but it was crude and disgusting. The opening monologue was Chelsea Handler being as crude and classless as possible. She was encouraging the stars to be over the top that night. She didn't mean girl on girl or guy on guy liplocking because we've already seen that; she wanted something over-the-top. She called out Taylor Swift's name and asked if she could give the camera a "titty wink"? Really? Is this what we are calling entertainment these days? Are these the people that the younger generations are looking up to? Have we gotten so low as a country that this is what must be done to shock the audience? Chelsea went on to say that she would ask Snooki to do a titty wink, but she's already done it. And, then of course, Justin Bieber (teen heart throb) could not be ignored. Chelsea said that she just loved him and his catchy little lyrics and couldn't wait to hear what he would sing when he actually saw a vagina. Unbelievable! This was on public television; 9 pm. I kept this program on for the first announced winner and it was Lady GaGa who needed help getting to the stage considering her shoes were 12" platform shoes and her dress was enormous! She graciously accepted the award and then announced the name of her new album/song dedicated to the men/women of the armed forces who have been discharged because of they are gay/lesbian. She also ended with " I f*****'n love you!" to her fans. The "F" word was bleeped out by the network, but it was very easy to read her lips and know what she said. At that point, I was totally done with this classless performance of stars who our children are emulating. It's a sad state of affairs when performer after performer is trying to "shock" the media to gain attention and increase record sales -> the end result being more money. We are selling our souls for money.