Thursday, January 28, 2010


I hate the idea of using a cliche, but that's the only thing I can think of right now as I'm sitting down to write this post. "They grow up so fast." Christian is getting ready to turn 14 in a couple weeks and I can't hardly believe it. We just went to orientation to schedule his high school classes and let me tell you; that's another post in itself. His high school has four degrees to choose from! There's a regular diploma which may or may not get you into college. There's a diploma with honors (3 years foreign language + 2 AP classes which stands for advanced placement something beyond honors). There's International Baccalaureate -> my head started spinning when the counselor started talking about all the requirements for this diploma. I'm convinced the coursework is more involved than anything I did in college. And, then there's a diploma with honors in technology which is designed for students who want to graduate with more hands on training such as cosmetology or vet assistance or something like that. And, after 2 phone calls to the school counselor Christian decided on the honors diploma. We've mapped out the next four years and that's a little daunting realizing that after these 4 years he's going to college. Well, that's not wanted I wanted to blog about today, but thought it needed discussed.

Boys are such daredevils and I never thought that Christian would be that way. He's my worrier and my tender hearted boy. I still think of him as the 2 year old running across the bedroom floor in his batman pajamas. But, still here we are. Building skateboard ramps in our driveway and jumping them! Thinking of plans of what he can do next to top what he just did. And, then of course, I have to watch and take pictures. I really want to talk him out of doing it at all because I'm convinced he's going to get hurt. He just laughs....

Here we are into our 3rd year of wrestling and as much as I like to watch him; I'm nervous everytime he walks onto the mat. It's a total of 3-4 minutes of all out physical wrestling. It's pressure points and shoulders twisted to the max, it's bloody noses stuffed with toilet paper to continue the match. It's all I can do to watch him. If anyone could see me during his match they would probably laugh because I can't sit still and I grimace everytime he moves. The picture below shows Christian's finger which is about double the size it should be. He jammed it during practice and no amount of pulling would unjam it. So, it swelled and hurt to the touch. My suggestion was that he probably shouldn't wrestle at yesterday's match because his finger looked terrible and was tender to the touch. But, what do I know? "Can I have 2 advil and some ice; I'll be fine. I'm not missing this match." So, 2 advil later and ice on his finger he wrestled. His reasoning was that his finger could actually help him because it hurt so bad that when his opponent touched it it would make him wrestle harder and win.

Does this make any sense? Of course it does if you have boys!! They are daredevils and it doesn't matter how they were when they were little boys because at some point they realize that it's fun to push the limit . . .
And, I wouldn't want it any other way!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've been sewing

I wasn't really sure what I wanted to say today. I've got a lot on my mind. One thing that is one of my favorite things to do when I need to "de-stress" is sew. Just wanted to share a couple of things that I've been doing these last couple of weeks. And, don't think that just because I've been doing a lof of sewing that I've been stressed because that's not always been the case. We've lived in our house about 7 months and I'm sewing all the curtains and bedding which takes a while! Which is something I'm not very good at; I get so excited when I finally decide what I'm going to sew that I cannot wait to get it finished and will work night & day to get it done.

This is Sophie's room and I just added these paper lanterns above her dresser. One is orange and the other a baby blue- doesn't really show up that well in the picture.

Here is Sophie's bed & I'm so happy with how it all turned out. Her comforter is a bright orange print with 5 complimentary print fabrics sewn on all in circles. The back of her comforter is a luxurious brown fleece & then I bound it in a lime green. The bed skirt is also the same various fabrics. I made a long bed roll pillow to go against the back of the day bed to soften it and then made her pillow with her name embroidered on it. She had blinds in her room and I liked those but needed to add some color so I covered the existing cornices with fabric and added more circles. And, then I finished her room with seat cushions for her window seats. Not bad for not using any patterns. Yeah, there's some mistakes in the things I sewed for her room, but Sophie loves it and that's all that matters.

This is what I did for Christian. I've been collecting his tshirts since he was in tball when he was 3 and FINALLY, had enough shirts using front and some backs to sew a tshirt quilt for him. I thought this would be great for him for Christmas because this is everything he loved in Franklin. It was tball, football, swim team, Moore elementary, Freedom, "sister for sale" tshirt, church camp - everything! So, there's 6 rows of 6 shirts on the front and 36 shirts on the back. My suggestion would be not to do what I did (again, no pattern so it was trial & error) and that is to not cut the shirts into squares periodically throughout the years. I had been cutting shirts and sewing them as I had collected shirts and that was ok until last month when I was sure that all the other shirts were 12" x 12" squares (of course, I didn't measure the old ones) and then as I continued sewing I realized they were 14" x 14" squares. So, Christians blanket has some definite mistakes but he sleeps with it every night and loves it. ANd, I think I've discovered that even though the blanket has some flaws in it; they just add to the character of it.

Here it is in it's entirety! Maybe this blanket is an analogy of our lives. A little flawed, but still perfect to the maker!!!
**** I'm learning this blog thing. Just added buttons to sell my adoption pendants & coffee bags on my blog!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New year- New look

Yep! Look at me looking like a REAL blogger; can you believe it? After all those months - nearly 8 - looking like your average Joe! Well, thanks to Blogs for a cause, I got a new style and I'm so happy with it. I love the quote, although I'm not sure who said it. Someday, I hope to be this person. I don't want to ever look back and say "Gosh, I wish I had helped that person. I wish I had extended a hand to that woman sitting all alone. I should have found out how that kid gets to school because his mom is working 2 jobs trying to make ends meet." I want to make a difference; I want to pass the baton to my kids so they can make a difference. I don't want them waiting until they're nearly 40 years old before they start loving the people that God puts before them. We are not called to be alone. We are called to love everyone and love cannot look away when someone is struggling.

I'm going to really honest right now; I struggle with homeless people. People around me believe that homeless people are just looking for money to buy alcohol; honestly, if I was living like them it might not be such a bad idea. I don't think anyone sets out to be homeless. Psych101 teaches that shelter is one of the basic needs of our being. But, still when I pull off the interstate and I see someone homeless, I feel bad, but I used to just drive on by. Here's the beauty of having kids; Christian tells me that while we're buying things to take to our church for a homeless shelter that we should make "love gifts" using gallon ziploc bags for the homeless on the streets and keep them in the car. So, that's what we did and we included - deoderant, bottled water, beef jerky, dried apples, raisins, toothbrush/paste & peanut butter crackers. And, every homeless person we've given them to has been so appreciative. Not one person said "no thanks." as was expected because it wasn't cash. It's been such an easy thing to do, but it's demonstrating to my kids that love does not look away. We can either be part of the solution or part of the problem. I want my kids to get it. Even Sophie gets excited when we see a homeless person so that we can hand out our love gift.

Oh, no! I'm blogging like Ondrea! Somehow I started out all proud of my new blog and ended up talking about teaching our kids how to love everyone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's snowing ... and snowing ... and snowing

This winter has been such an eye opener for my kids. We've had snow several times this year and they still have to go to school! Buses can actually drive on the snow and just because the weatherman is predicting 7" of snow today is not going to keep the kids at home. I thought maybe we would have a 2 hour delay, but no. Then I thought maybe it was a little dangerous to let the kids ride on the bus with all the snow, but I decided the bus driver was probably a safer driver than me! I haven't driven in snow in quite a while. So, while the peace is over the land (the kids have gone to school) I decided that all my coffee clatch in Tennessee would like to see that we are still going to school today. I peeked over at Ondrea's blog and saw that Franklin cancelled school yesterday before the first snowflake fell; oh, how my new northern friends laugh!!!

Sophie getting on the bus.

Catching all the snowflakes in her mouth she can.

Posing for the camera. She was so excited to get out in the snow and wait for the bus. For her, going to school in the snow was almost as much fun as staying home. They still go out for recess. Each child brings snowpants, boots, gloves, scarf, hat & coat and they go out unless it's below zero. I would be crazy by the end of the day if I was the teacher; it's too much work to get everyone all bundled up!

something you don't see in Tennessee!!
** Sophie saw her first snowplow today!!