How could I have overlooked the dreaded shots. I knew the day was coming and didn't think it would be that bad; did I mention that I haven't had shots since I don't remember when.... I had one shot when I was pregnant with Christian, IV's when I went into labor and then epidurals. But, really no shots in a LOOOOONG time! I don't even remember when I had my last tetanus shot. So, off we go to BRentwood Baptist Church and get in this massive line of people also going on mission trips and needing shots. The service providing the shots was an outreach clinic and mostly retired. They were very nice, but I'm wondering if I got the right shots?! Two hours later we got our shots; I got 5 and the MMR really hurt and Hallie got 4. The nurses said that men and teenage girls kind of freak out about the shots; I assured them that after childbirth I would be fine and I was maybe a little queesy, but ok. Hallie, on the other hand, not so well. Just a couple minutes after her shots she was sitting down with her head between her knees and saying she didn't feel well. The nurses immediately got her to lay down and they gave her a sucker. Within about 10 minutes she was fine, but I was feeling a little nervous for her. Sophie and Christian were also with us and Christian decided that mission trips were not his calling from God; he was sure that God was calling him for something else local!
Anyway, my arms are sore and that's my excuse for not running this week. I've set a goal to run a 5K and I can only run 1 mile and then that's all I can push myself to do. I wish I liked to run, but it's just not my thing. I'll try to get at it tomorrow. I'll hate it if I don't reach my goal. It's just so easy to find an excuse!
Spinning Blooms Mini
8 years ago
Girl, I can not STAND to run! One mile is about as far as I can get without thinking I'm going to throw up in the neighbors front yard ('re probably sorry you told me where to find you now!) The Franklin Classic over Labor Day is a nice run (or so I've heard!)